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Digestion Tea by Herbal Remedy 100g / 50 cups


Ayurvedic herbal tea to support digestion.

3 in stock

Introducing Herbal Remedy's Digestion Tea, made with a blend of natural herbs and botanicals including cardamom, licorice, guduchi, and lemongrass. Carefully selected herbs are inspired by the healing traditions of Ayurveda and are known for their ability to help support healthy digestion, soothe the stomach, and promote overall wellness.

The warming and aromatic qualities of cardamom make it a popular spice for supporting digestion, while licorice helps to calm and soothe the digestive tract. Guduchi and lemongrass are also known for their digestive benefits, helping to promote healthy digestion and alleviate discomfort.

Enjoy a cup of Herbal Remedy's Digestion Tea after meals to help support healthy digestion and promote a sense of comfort and well-being.